Mail and Archive for Confluence


Mail and Archive for Confluence provides two primary features:

  • Email Schedules

    • Configure regular schedules for Confluence pages to be emailed out to a distribution list

  • Archive/Snapshot Schedules

    • Archive/snapshot the current state of a page on a regular basis


The mail feature of Mail and Archive for Confluence on Confluence Data Center requires at least one outgoing mail server to have been configured.

The same mail server that is used to send out normal Confluence notifications is used by Mail and Archive to send out emails for email schedules, so there is no need to configure any additional mail servers.

Set Up a Mail Schedule

Navigate to a Confluence page or a Confluence blog and click on the Mail and Archive icon.


Click on Mail and Archive and select the Mail tab.



This allows you to configure the mail schedule for a page.

  • Active

    • Emails will only be sent out if the Active checkbox is selected

  • Email

    • Comma-separated list of email addresses

  • Email Time

    • Comma-separate list of times in 24-hour format (e.g. 23:00 is 11pm)

    • Emails will be sent out after those selected times

  • Day of the week

    • Control the days of the week that email should be sent out

  • Ignore Unchanged

    • Prevent the page from being emailed if it hasn’t changed since the last time it was emailed out

Once you have set Active to selected and saved the schedule, it is ready to go.

Set Up an Archive/Snapshot Schedule

Navigate to a Confluence page or a Confluence blog and click on the Mail and Archive icon.

Click on Mail and Archive and select the Snapshots tab.


  • Active

    • Snapshots will only be created out if the Active checkbox is selected

  • Ignore unchanged

    • If selected and the page hasn’t changed since the last snapshot, no new snapshots will be created.

  • Snapshots Time

    • Comma-separate list of times in 24-hour format (e.g. 23:00 is 11pm)

    • Snapshots will be created after those selected times

  • Day of the week

    • Control the days of the week that snapshots should be created

  • Parent title

    • The Confluence page to act as a parent for snapshots

    • All snapshots are created as children of this page

  • Prefix

    • If set, and Title is not set, the Prefix will be added to the front of the page title for the snapshot

    • It is highly recommended that this is used in conjunction with the Append Date option or it will only ever create one snapshot

  • Suffix

    • If set, and Title is not set, the Suffix will be added to the end of the page title for the snapshot

    • It is highly recommended that this is used in conjunction with the Append Date option or it will only ever create one snapshot

  • Title

    • Control the name of the snapshot page

    • It is highly recommended that this is used in conjunction with the Append Date option or it will only ever create one snapshot

  • Append Date

    • Append the date and time of snapshot creation to the title of the snapshot page.